Consulting firm

Reducing the paperwork with Mojodex


Consulting team


Increase Productivity and Enhance Quality of Client Proposals

Provide a digital assistant to the consulting team

• Current Situation:
Each consultant spends approximately 25% of their time on research and administrative tasks.

• Goal:
Reduce this time by 40%.

• Process Improvement:
Automated research summaries and streamlined documentation processes for client engagements.

• Accessibility:
Consultants can use their mobile devices or laptops to interact with the digital assistant, depending on the context.

 Success Story


* changed for privacy reasons
Business Challenge

Salford & co offers comprehensive support to protect innovations with teams across Europe and the United States. As a fast-growing company, Salford & co faced challenges in managing extensive research and administrative tasks, which impacted the consultants' ability to focus on client-oriented activities and strategic planning.


Implementation: Mojodex is utilized to automate research summaries and streamline documentation processes, enhancing the efficiency of client engagements.


Enhanced Productivity and Focus on Strategic Tasks
• Outcome: 0.7 day saved per consultant each week in research and administrative workload.
• Benefit: Allows consultants to dedicate more time to client interactions and strategic development.

 Our solution


AI as a Service

  • One-time setup cost for quick implementation
  • Monthly subscription for ongoing support

Customized AI Assistants Solutions

We build and deploy AI assistants tailored to your business needs.


Change Management

It's not magic; it's all about people. We help you manage the change.

We’re here to help you succeed!

We are always looking for new challenges and opportunities to help you succeed. If you have any questions or need help with anything, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.