Revolutionize Your Meetings with AI-Powered Transcription

Stay on top of key meeting points and maximize your productivity as an executive with Mojodex's voice-activated Meeting Minutes. Enjoy a seamless experience that captures essential details in real-time.

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+ min

Saved / Week

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Effortless Voice-Activated Meeting Notes

Record crucial details from executive meetings with ease using our AI-powered voice-command feature. Activate Meeting Minutes within the Mojodex app and effortlessly transcribe your notes.

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Automated and Organized Meeting Summaries

Mojodex automatically generates concise and easy-to-read meeting summaries based on your voice notes. Review, edit, and approve comprehensive reports without wasting time on manual transcription.

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Consistent and Standardized Documentation

Ensure consistency across all your executive meeting summaries, regardless of meeting format. Mojodex's automated organization and formatting keep your documents professional and easy to reference in the future.

"I was lucky enough to test this innovative (and impressive) solution. It's the 3.0 assistant par excellence that will, among other things, improve the responsiveness and quality of customer service. Well done to the Hoomano team."

Mathieu Francesch - CTO

"Bravo! Nice work👌 a "use" oriented tool I actually tested it! It's very surprising!"

Mostefa Abdou - CEO

Focus on Decision-Making,
Not Note-Taking.

With Mojodex as your AI assistant, enhance strategic decision-making by concentrating on key insights during meetings instead of struggling to capture details manually.

Simple, transparent pricing

No credit card required, cancel anytime.

59 /month

per user

Android, iOS, Web apps

Voice-activated Meeting Minutes

Security and data protection

Intuitive interface and design

Multi-language support

Customer support

Regular software updates

Start free 14 days trial (no credit card)


We offer variable pricing with discounts for larger organizations. Get in touch with us and we’ll figure out something that works for everyone.

Contact us

How does the "meeting minutes" feature work within Mojodex?

Mojodex's "meeting minutes" feature enables sales reps to record crucial meeting details via voice commands. Users can activate this feature in-app, speak essential information, and obtain a generated summary. The summary can be reviewed, modified, and saved.


How does the voice-to-text transcription work in the "meeting minutes" feature?

The voice-to-text transcription in the "meeting minutes" feature uses advanced voice recognition technology to convert your spoken words into written text. By speaking directly into the Mojodex app, you can quickly create a meeting summary that accurately captures your input. The system allows you to review and modify the meeting summary using additional voice commands, ensuring that your meeting minutes are complete and accurate.


How does the "meeting minutes" feature integrate with other platforms like HubSpot and Slack?

Future plans include integrating the "meeting minutes" feature with HubSpot and Slack, enabling users to save, export, and share summaries within Mojodex, streamlining workflow and promoting organization and collaboration. This feature is not yet available.


What is the roadmap for Mojodex?

The Mojodex roadmap includes adding new features, such as proactive actions, customer insights, sales memo preparation, Magic Task AI assistant, seamless CRM integration, and communication system connectivity. These improvements will enhance functionality, increase user efficiency, and streamline workflows by automating tasks and integrating essential tools.

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Lead Your Team to Success with Mojodex Meeting Minutes

Focus on the bigger picture and make informed decisions while letting Mojodex take care of the details.

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